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A temporary Spotify mod that adds custom themes.

Variable references

SeekbarBGColor - Changes the unlistened part of the seekbar.
seekbarFGColor - Changes the listened part of the seekbar.
seekbarHoverColor - Changes the listened part of the seekbar when hovered over.
volumebarBGColor - Changes the unused part of the volume bar.
volumebarFGColor - Changes the used part of the volume bar.
volumebarHoverColor - Changes the used part of the volume bar when hovered over.
controlBackground - Changes the background color of the player controls.
sidebarBG - Changes the background color of the sidebar.
topBar - Changes the color of the area with your profile picture.
homebackground - Changes the background color of the home page.
tilescolor - Changes the color of playlists on the home screen. playlistBG - Changes the background color of a playlist. onScrollLabelClusterColor - The background of a playlist when scrolled. searchLBG - The background of search and library sections.